• [:pl]dłoń i światło[:en]hand and light

    Market research - act effectively

    Customer needs analysis and satisfaction research.

  • [:pl]jabłka[:en]apples

    Take the right decision

    Product testing and Marketing communication tests.

  • [:pl]kompas[:en]compass

    Select the appropriate path

    Market analysis and Strategic Insight®

  • [:pl]wykres[:en]graph

    Be on the ball

    Competition analysis, internet analysis

Rozwiązania dla Ciebie


Arket Premium

to WIĘCEJ. Tworzymy całościowe rozwiązania

Arket Optima

klasyczne badania rynku. Sprawdź nas !

Arket Basic

gdy wystarczą PODSTAWOWE informacje.

market research

 people working at the deskAt ARKET, we acquire information to further businesses take most effective actions, including making good decisions, choosing the right directions and keeping their finger on the pulse of market changes.

We obtain these 20% of the information that gives 80% of the business value.
We know how, because we do market research for years.


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