Mamy dostęp do profesjonalnego studia CATI, ogólnopolskich sieci ankieterskich, paneli online oraz ośrodków badań jakościowych na terenie całej Polski.
Pracujemy na bazie autorskich metodologii, realizując projekty w zespole socjologów, psychologów i etnografów.
ARKET combines experience in the field of market research and flexibility of a flat company in one. We are very good in market research. It is evidenced by a number of succesfully completed projects as well as our customers satisfaction. We care about the diversity of experience and the specializations of project team members so that the conclusions of the research carry high business utility. Each project is tailored to the needs of the client and his company and executed by 2-5 person teams.
ARKET is an independent Polish research agency. In 2012 we took advantage of co-financing from the European Social Fund in the framework of the “Zastrzyk na start” [Launch Booster] programme, carried out under the Human Capital Operational Programme Priority VI, measure 6.2. We are member of the Silesian Design Cluster – the entity that not only facilitates cooperation in implementation of innovations with other companies, but which also provides key figures in the company with trainings and workshops in business strategies and the latest trends, thus substantially enriching our offer.
- Maja Długołęcka-Sarlej – ARKET owner and Research Director.
- Sociologist with thirteen years of experience in the market research sector. Carried out a wide spectrum of qualitative and quantitative projects, among others for leading brands in foodstuffs, tourism, automotive, real estate, and pharmaceutical sectors.
- Worked for such brands as Hortex, Echo Investments, Mercedes-Benz, Coca-Cola, Wieliczka Salt Mine, KIA, GlaxoSmithKline. For years she succesfully carries out research projects for large and medium-sized businesses.
- Graduate of the Institute of Sociology of the University of Warsaw and a holder of a post-graduate studies on “Market research – consumer needs and behaviours” at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw.
- Fluent in Polish and English.
- Maja Długołęcka-Sarlej – założycielka ARKET.
- socjolog z 20-letnim doświadczeniem w branży badań rynku. Zrealizowała kilkaset jakościowych i ilościowych projektów badawczych dla liderów z takich sektorów jak FMCG, turystyka, automotive, nieruchomości, farmacja i szeregu firm małych i średnich.
- Pracowała dla marek takich jak Hortex, Echo Investments, Mercedes-Benz, Coca-Cola, Kopalnia Soli Wieliczka, Tauron, KIA, GlaxoSmithKline.
- Absolwentka socjologii na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim oraz podyplomowych studiów na Uniwersytecie SWPS “Badania rynku – potrzeby i zachowania klientów”.
- Doświadczony szkoleniowiec, zarówno w projektowaniu jak i realizacji szytych na miarę szkoleń z zakresu sprzedaży, obsługi klienta oraz badań rynku.
- Biegle włada językami polskim oraz angielskim, w obu realizuje projekty badawcze oraz prowadzi szkolenia i konsultacje.